Have You Had That Dreaded Conversation With Your Parents?

Discussing senior living is the hardest conversation of allWe’re all grown-ups, right? So why is it still so hard to talk to our aging parents about leaving their homes and moving to senior living?

A recent poll found that 35 percent of respondents most feared speaking to their parents about the need for long-term care or a move to assisted living. This topic even beat out conversations about dying!

Watching our parents age, develop medical problems, lose their mobility, and begin to forget names and conversations is incredibly sad. After all, for so much of our lives, these were our protectors, teachers, and supporters.

But that’s why it’s important to remember our parents are relying on us now. Today is the right time to begin talking about aging and long-term care. And even better, talk about it often — because it isn’t just one conversation.

As for what’s coming next, poll respondents suggested some emerging technology that might help them remain independent as they aged. Their suggestions included smart homes, mobile patient monitoring, artificial intelligence, and even robots! Now that sounds interesting for the future — but don’t put off that hard conversation.




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